v1.2.1-rc 诈尸了诈尸了

帖子: 824
注册时间: 2009年 9月 11日 11:13
来自: digu.plus

v1.2.1-rc 诈尸了诈尸了

帖子 binjoo »

Fix checkVersion by @sy-records in #1356
修复Sqlite目录带.校验不通过问题 by @maoxian-1 in #1357
Pr/1344 by @joyqi in #1360
Fix pgsql reset id error by @sy-records in #1369
Update admin welcome tip by @sy-records in #1389
Enhancement of Typecho\Cookie by @sy-records in #1399
fix CORS issues in preview page. 修复文章预览页面跨域问题 by @Valpha in #1400
模板缩略图支持识别webp图片后缀 by @jrotty in #1403
修正注释 by @jrotty in #1411
Fix notice not clear by @sy-records in #1416
修复管理员进入其他用户文章列表时显示所有文章的bug by @jrotty in #1415
Fix QUIC/https Mixed Content by @MBRjun in #1423
Add admin/footer.php begin plugin by @sy-records in #1426
Fix missing change themeUrl by @sy-records in #1431
Fix category creation error when using xmlrpc by @sy-records in #1443
Fix #1449 by @sy-records in #1450
Minor update by @vndroid in #1451
Minor update by @vndroid in #1460
Fix the error of getting request parameters by @sy-records in #1464
Fix multiple calls returning the same object (#1412) by @benzBrake in #1478
Fix use SQLite error of windows install by @sy-records in #1471
Adjust style of edit comments by @sy-records in #1483
Fix comments feed jump error by @sy-records in #1491
Fix #1495 by @sy-records in #1496
Fix unsafe use of jQuery .html() by @l2dy in #1382
Fix htmlspecialchars error for feed by @sy-records in #1522
Use https links by @l2dy in #1280